If you're about to chuck away papaya seeds – DON'T. They are amazing. Not only do they have a delicious, flavourful taste, slightly peppery and nutty, but they're highly nutritious.
They contain a variety of essential micronutrients and are especially high in polyphenols and flavonoids, two compounds that act as antioxidants to help promote your health. They're also packed with vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.
Tasty – check, nutritious – check, zero waste – check, it's the seed that does it all. But how to serve them, I hear you cry? On literally everything. Chuck them in your salads, on your soups, sprinkle on risotto or pasta, dress up an open sandwich or canapés. In some dishes you can swap them directly with pepper.
T = tablespoon t = teaspoon
1 papaya
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Preheat the oven to 350°F/180°C .
Slice the papaya in half and with a big spoon, very gently scoop the seeds out of the middle and put to the side. You should be able to gently press with the tip of the spoon to get them free, without removing too much of the flesh – you'll thank me later.
Once you've removed all your seeds, dump them in a sieve and give them a thorough clean. There will be a stickiness to them but evenetually you should be able to pick out with your fingers any hanger-on pieces of skin or fruit, you just want the seeds.
Once you've got them all cleaned up, lay them out on a clean tea towel and just pat dry to remove the excess moisture. Transfer to a flat baking tray.
Add your oil, a good pinch of salt and grind of pepper then pop in the oven for 30 - 40 minutes. They're ready when they've crisped up like little peppercorns.
Take them out and store at room temperature in an airtight container. Chuck them on your salads, soups, in your sandwiches, risottos, pastas, literally anything and everything! They'll last for approx 3 - 4 weeks.